Often we get news about upcoming Nintendo goings on from the Big N themselves, and this morning was no different. During one of their usual Nintendo Direct videos, it was confirmed that the up-until-now, Japan only title Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will be coming to our shores in 2014 for your 3DS.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNnQ2dETRAo&w=760]
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney isn’t a new game, necessarily, as it has been out in Japan since last November. But until today we have never had super hard evidence that the game would be localized in any way. In 2011, Level-5 asked its Facebook followers which title in development they would most want to see coming west, and PLvPW (that’s my new acronym for it) came out on top. Does that mean anything? Who knows! But it happened.
I am eager to see how it turns out, although I suppose I could simply search about for review scores of the Japanese version. Puzzle solving and detective work all in one? Yes please.