Well, as I write this, it’s 4:30am Saturday morning. Here’s a little update on what has happened.
- Technical difficulties will happen.
Not thirty minutes before the event started, as we were turning on the computers and getting ready the original chat room we had essentially exploded. We had to scramble to get a new one put up, which itself has had a little trouble. Right now everything seems to be working, but it’s essentially a leaking ship. It’s very odd because during our test of all of this a couple of months ago, we had zero problems. Oh well!
- It feels really good to do something good.
Right now we’re sitting pretty at $530! We’ve been online for nine hours and forty-seven minutes, and we still have two more days to go. Our initial goal was to hit $1,000, and it feels great to already be at half of that so fast. Thanks to everyone who has donated! In reaching this point, not only did we imbibe vicious Asian drinks AND terrifying Asian cuisine, but one of our members has shaved a majority of his head shaved. And you know what, even though I wretched a little and my throat hurt afterward, it was worth it. Just $495 to go!
One of the more interesting donators is none other than Scott Westerfeld, author of the most awesome Leviathan. Joe and I did an episode of Pressed & Bound about the novel. More recently, he and I had a short lived discussion about the novel on Twitter, which is how, I’m sure, he learned of the charity event. In any case, it was really interesting and great to have him support us.
- We’re not as good at games as we had thought.
After two long sessions with the original Mario Bros. and the Lost Levels, we resigned ourselves to the fact that youthful skills of hand-eye coordination have long since been replaced with knowledge of silly things like balance sheets and filing. These “adult” things really are a detriment to more important activities.
And that’s all I really have to list for now. I’m fatigued, my eyes are sore, but we have two more days to go and it’s no time to stop now! Thanks again everyone who has participated!