We’ve made some updates to the site, if you haven’t noticed. They’re fairly small, but every Lego you put in a Lego castle is small until you get a GIANT LEGO CASTLE.
Anyhow, recently we’ve added some content to the About page. We currently plan on roughly seven or eight people to be actual players during the event. The number, of course, is subject to change, but that is what we’re planning on. We’re hoping that we’ll always have some fresh blood up and ready to go through those 72 hours of craziness.
Additionally, and this is even more minor, but we’ve added some RSS, Facebook, and Twitter buttons to the sidebar. Since Twitter just released Lists, it’s super easy to bring together all of the group who has Twitter accounts into one place. Once Twitter decides to get RSS feeds working for those lists, we’ll have the updates show up here in all their glory.
So that’s about it, and one final thing before I go: Amazon is currently giving away a $10 coupon for preorders of New Super Mario Bros. Wii! Grab yours before the offer goes away (because it could jump ship at any time!).